Archivo mensual: junio 2014

BRAZIL: Mr. Morsolin interviews Mr. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro about the fight against Child Sex Tourism ahead of World Cup

Brasil favelas PACIFICACAO fotoMr. Pinheiro, a Brazilian academic and political science scholar, since 2011, he is UN Chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria; he declared me:

“It is so shocking that a group of normal citizens, poor and black, have been killed by police in Vila Cruzeiro, a favela of Rio de Janeiro [one of favelas studied by Maria Helena Alves in her book LIVING IN THE CROSSFIRE.] There were ten people killed this time and it was called a «revenge» (and celebrated) by the police, of the  so-called «pacification unit, the UPP» because a shootout occurred days ago and a policewoman was killed. A killing of a police woman is a heinous crime against the State and the criminals who perpetrated this crime must be found and prosecuted. But the fact that the police should take revenge upon the residents is absolutely unacceptable and is also a crime. All those deaths required a serious investigation that will never take place because the victims are always guilty”.

The complete interview is in the new Morsolin Book in spanish: “El rescate del derecho a la ciudad en la explosión de los movimientos  sociales urbanos. Perspectivas de los niños/as, adolescentes y jóvenes de los sectores populares de Latinoamérica”.

An estimated 250,000 children are sexually abused every year in Brazil, according to nonprofit child advocacy organizations, and the numbers spike around major sporting events.

Research from Childhood Brazil, a human rights organization designed to protect children, shows sex crimes against children increased by 66 percent during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and by 28 percent during the 2006 games in Germany.

Mr. Pinheiro is a Brazilian academic and political science scholar. Within the United Nations System, he served as the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (2000-2008). Since 2011, he has served as Chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria.

He also served as United Nations Special Rapporteur for Burundi from 1995 to 1999 and was a member of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. From 2003 to 2010 Mr. Pinheiro was commissioner and rapporteur on children at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States.

In 2003, Secretary-General Kofi Annan appointed Mr. Pinheiro as an independent expert, with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General, to prepare an in-depth study into the global phenomenon of violence against children. This was presented to the General assembly in 2006. In Brazil, he is currently one of seven members of the Brazilian Truth Commission created in 2012 by President Roussef, examining human rights violations during the military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. He has a long and distinguished career in academia. He is adjunct professor international relations visiting at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. Previously, he also held academic positions at the University of São Paulo, Columbia University, Notre Dame University, Oxford University, and the École des hautes études en Sciences sociales.

COLOMBIA: Condiciones para la paz desde la perspectiva de los adolescentes participantes en el 68 período de sesiones del Comité de los Derechos del Niño de Ginebra

report x ginebraAutor: Cristiano Morsolin

Brayan, adolescente de 12 años integrante de la Fundación Creciendo Unidos de Bogotá- miembro del Movimiento Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Niños/as y Adolescentes Trabajadores MOLACNATs, junto con Luna de la Corporación Combos de Medellín- miembro de Dynamo International, Red Internacional de Educadores de Calle(1),  participaron como delegados de los niños de Colombia al 68 período de sesiones del Comité de los Derechos del Niño de la Naciones Unidas, realizado en Ginebra (Suiza) el día 16 de junio de 2014

El Observatorio sobre Latinoamérica SELVAS difunde el discurso de los adolescentes. “En esta oportunidad queremos compartir con Ustedes algunas de nuestras preocupaciones frente a la situación de NNA afectados por el conflicto armado interno, con base en la solicitud que este organismo hizo sobre el particular en el año 2010 al revisar el estado de implementación del Protocolo Facultativo de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño relativo a la participación de niños en los conflictos armados en nuestro país, la cuales se fundamentan en la continuidad de la confrontación armada y las afectaciones contra esta población como violencia sexual, muerte, mutilación, reclutamiento y uso, desplazamiento forzado, ataque y ocupación de escuelas y otros bienes civiles, cuyos perpetradores se mantienen y se han diversificado en los últimos años por la reconfiguración de las estructuras paramilitares: Nota completa aquí:

 21 de junio de 2014

Mr. Morsolin met Dr. Leigh Campoamor, Cultural Anthropology, Teaching Fellow, International Comparative Studies – Duke University

leigh-peruI met Dr. Leigh Campoamor (she worked with prof. Mignolo and Arturo Escobar) on 20 th june, and we talk about the open letter to United Nations signed by 74 experts of all the world about street and working children and also about Leigh research aboutPublic Childhoods: Street Labor, Family, and the Politics of Progress in Peru”.

Prof. Campoamor explains me:

“In January 2001, while I was doing my research in Ayacucho (Peru), I went to Lima for a workshop and met two teenagers who completely turned my world upside down. They were representatives from a grassroots working children’s movement that recognized children’s work as a dignifying practice. Initially, I had trouble wrapping my North American head around this seemingly counterintuitive concept: wasn’t child labor an inherent injustice? While a critique of development discourse had driven my interest in the workings of NGOs, I saw a difference between critiquing Western liberal notions of progress and promoting what I understood to be unjust practices. The teenagers denounced exploitative forms of labor, but had a very well-articulated project that was committed to addressing social injustice by reconceptualizing children as active political subjects for whom work is a central part of life, rather than as passive «future citizens» in an adultocentrist world. Once I began my job collecting ephemera for Princeton in 2002, I got to know them even more and saw how their movement challenged the rhetoric of international development, in particular the dominant definitions and assumptions about children and their rights. Initially, my dissertation field research was going to concentrate almost exclusively on the movement. I realized, however, that in order to get a fuller understanding of the politics of child labor in Peru, I needed to expand my focus so that I got to know kids who work on the street but do not belong to such an organization.

My dissertation is based on twenty-two months of fieldwork in Peru, in addition to several one- and two-month periods of preliminary and follow-up research. As an ethnographer, my research consisted primarily of accompanying children as they went about their daily routines. Beyond «hanging out» in their workspaces, which included a busy traffic intersection in an upper-middle class district and public buses, I also spent a great deal of time with the children’s families, typically in their homes in Lima’s shantytowns and working-class neighborhoods. I also attended meetings and otherwise participated in institutional spaces such as NGOs, social movements, Congressional hearings, and advocacy groups. Finally, in order to gain a more long-term perspective on discussions and policies involving childhood, I conducted research in Lima’s historical archives”.


Teivo Teivainen – Universidad de Helsinki, comenta artículo de Morsolin sobre las Relaciones del Parlamento Europeo con Latinoamérica

TEIVO fotoHola Cristiano. Estas en twitter? Ahora he tuiteado: European elections will have an impact on relations with #LatinAmerica. #CristianoMorsolin’s insights (in Spanish):

Excelente tu articulo, Cristiano …

Sobre mis textos, una cosa que salió hace poco y está disponible en interenet es: Teivo Teivainen, “Brazilian Socialist Roots and Global Commonist Horizons in the World Social Forum”, Communism in the 21st Century. Shannon Brincat (ed.). Praeger, Santa Barbara 2014, pp. 27-50.

Si te interesa, lo puedes bajar en

Teivo Teivainen

Profesor de World Politics en la Universidad de Helsinki

Director of Programa Democracia y Transformación Global at San Marcos University in Peru and shorter stints as Distinguished Visiting Professor at Saint Mary’s University in Canada, Visiting Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Peru and Visiting Scholar at Department of Sociology in State University of New York at Binghamton.


Relaciones del Parlamento Europeo con Latinoamérica

AUTOR: Cristiano Morsolín

Están en puerta las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo. Un posible cambio en los equilibrios de los bloques políticos podría los acentos de la política en Bruselas. ¿Cuáles serían éstos en la relación con América Latina?

Difusión en mass-media internacionales:

22 mayo de 2014

Camerun: liberati i due missionari italiani, una vittoria della non-violenza

foto gianantonioUna buona notizia dalla zona di confine tra Nigeria e Camerun. La liberazione dei due missionari però è solo un piccolo segno di speranza in una situazione molto tesa, tra conflitti etnici e la presenza di gruppi terroristici molto violenti. (Cristiano Morsolin per UNIMONDO)

 Era intriso di commozione il battimani all’indirizzo dei due missionari vicentini e della suora canadiese rapiti in Camerun, Paese in cui è in corso uno dei 36 conflitti che oggi affliggono il mondo. E che richiederebbe, secondo padre Alex Zanotelli, la presenza non di eserciti, ma di quella «non violenza attiva » che è stata ‘inventata’ dallo stesso Gesù. L’appello all’Arena di Pace del 25 aprile scorso e’ stato ascoltato. Mao Valpiana sottolinea che “Il nostro auspicio fatto all’Arena di pace e disarmo è stato esaudito”.

Infatti e’ finito il sequestro dei due missionari vicentini, don Gianantonio Allegri e don Giampaolo Marta, appartenenti alla Diocesi di Vicenza, rapiti circa due mesi fa in Camerun non lontano dal confine con la Nigeria.

E i rapitori? Chi erano questi uomini armati che li hanno prelevati e trattenuti in ostaggio fino alla notte di sabato scorso? La risposta serena di don Gianantonio è  carica di saggezza: “Sono solo poveri ragazzi di uno dei Paesi più poveri della terra. La vita per loro non ha prospettive e così per pochi dollari si mettono al soldo di questi gruppi estremisti islamici che cercano di conquistare il potere.

Abbracciano un ideale sbagliato, una fede sbagliata che adora un dio violento, perché non hanno niente altro. Ma a guardarli negli occhi capisci che non sono diversi dai ragazzi delle nostre parrocchie e che in un contesto diverso sarebbero forse bravissimi giovani”, conclude don Gianantonio.

Ho collaborato direttamente con Avvenire, AGI, Unimondo, Adista, Mosaico di pace, Credere, Vita, Comune-info per mantenere viva l’attenzione sui missionari rapiti in Camerun.


BOLIVIA: El Presidente del Senado respalda el protagonismo de la infancia y adolescencia trabajadora en las políticas públicas

EVO 1 mayo 2014_segunda foto

AUTOR: Cristiano Morsolin

 El proceso boliviano tiene dos características que le confieren una carga simbólica y un alcance “refundador” que no se encuentra en otros casos: por una parte, el primer presidente indígena de Bolivia, Evo Morales, no se enfrenta solamente al rechazo de las injusticias socioeconómicas o al neoliberalismo de las multinacionales extranjeras sino que pretende también terminar con el “colonialismo interno” del Estado boliviano y la exclusión estructural, desde la independencia, de la mayoría indígena del país; por otra parte esta refundación no es considerada como misión de un solo hombre o de un grupo de escogidos, sino como responsabilidad de un “gobierno de movimientos sociales” que confiere una dimensión participativa inédita.

En esta perspectiva, el presidente de la Cámara de Senadores, Eugenio Rojas comunicó el martes 3 de junio, que se llegó a un acuerdo con la “Unión de Niños y Niñas Trabajadores de Bolivia” (UNATSBO) para que en el proyecto de Código Niño, Niña, Adolescente la edad mínima de trabajo sea de 14 años y por el trabajo propio desde los 10 años, de acuerdo al proceso de descolonización y autodeterminación de los pueblos que esta construyendo el Presidente Evo Morales.

Nota completa aquí: